Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All I want for Christmas...

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so (naturally) I am thinking about my Christmas list. Hey, don't judge me- I've cooked pies and bread and all sorts of other goodies all week. I am definitely looking forward to having my family over tomorrow (my first time to host Thanksgiving dinner!)... but I can't help but wonder what to get my kiddos (1 and 4) for Christmas.

Now, I could get them what I want them to have- some sort of learning system, books, clothes, etc.; or I could get them what they really want.

Courtney's easy. She tells me what she wants every DAY! Just sit her in front of the TV during morning cartoons and she comes up with a mile-long list of toys she can't live without. Pretty much anything pink. Oh, but she informed me today that she can't have an Easy Bake Oven until she's a teenager (oooo...kaaay?). Matthew, on the other hand, is a little more difficult since he doesn't articulate as well as his loquacious big sister.

So what does Matthew really want? A "Free Day" Coupon. A day unlike any other day. You see, my busy 15 month old has learned a few new tricks over the last few weeks that he'd love to explore further... but his mean ol' Mama keeps moving him, moving his "target" or thumping his hand. He would love a day with no consequences for, oh, say, the things he did today:

* emptying bookcases, drawers and cabinets
*pulling out the child-safety plug covers and sticking his tiny fingers into the sockets (he also got his fingers stuck in the refridgerator slats under the door and in the dryer vent holder
*climbing into chairs, standing up and rocking back and forth
*Pulling out the rinse-aid cap from the dishwasher door, sucking a tiny drop of Jet Dry off, smacking his lips, smiling slyly and saying "Ahhhhhh!" when I took it away
*climbing into the "cave" under our desk to pull on those fancy cords (resulting in his sister screaming because her computer game was suddenly replaced by a black, silent void)
*climbing into the window sills so he could reach the mini blinds
*running over wet, freshly mopped floors (needless to say, he crashed)
*pulling out the desk drawers and climbing into them to reach the computer mouse- Aw, man! Mama locked the computer- maybe I'll just climb onto the swiveling chair- Ouch! hit my head on the desk drawer as I fell to the ground- I knew I should have pushed that back in!

So much fun! Wow, he could have the time of his life if he were just granted a "Free Day" for Christmas!

I'm torn. Aren't we as parents supposed to give in to our children's every whim and desire so that they can become happy adults? If I settle for a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy or another ball popper of some sort, can I really expect him to grow into a well-rounded adult? Hmmmm.

Nope. Sorry, Bud. No "Free Day" for you. Not this year. You can get one when you're a grown up, living in your own house, emptying your own bookcases with fingers that are too big to get stuck in the dryer vent. Until then, I'm sorry to say that I'll be getting you what I deem "the perfect gift".  And if you grow to be a sad, close minded grown up who has no idea who you are or how to have fun, find adventures or explore your world, then I'll pay for your therapy... although I doubt that will happen:)

So as you think of what to get your kiddos for Christmas this year, remember to give them what they want... to a point. Then just suck it up and give them what they need.

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