Friday, November 25, 2011

Detours or Determents?

Well, that was an adventure!

My hubs and I recently moved to Texas. We opened an online banking account, knowing that we would rarely need to actually visit a branch. Well, an instance came where I did need to go in, so I Googled it- no biggie. I-20 to 360, then hop over to Division St and make a few more turns. It was 25 miles, which in DFW should take about 32 minutes, according to my long-time buddy, Google Maps. So I loaded the kids into the car after an entertaining breakfast, complete with a (literal) song and dance about how if they were super good at the bank I'd give them suckers. Matthew clapped with every encore. Thankfully, they finished their cereal just about the time I was completely out of breath! Hey, a busy mama's got to get a workout somehow, right?

Ok, so we're going down I-20 & I'm on the phone with a different bank (mistake #1- multi-tasking) when I see that I'm in a turn-only for the airport. Oh, I DON'T want to go to the airport!! I said to myself- so I quickly changed lanes (mistake #2- that was my turn). Then I called the hubs to ask a question about some other family business before I knew where I was (mistake #3- multi-tasking again). I got off the interstate at a detour for Division St. (mistake #4- I don't do well with detours.) I tried to find it on Google Maps when I got home, but for the life of me I just couldn't find it. I have NO idea where I got off of I-20. So I thought, while still talking to Hubs on the phone: No problem! That's why I printed a large, detailed map with my directions. I got this! *big smile for being so proud of myself*.  (Enter: mistake #5- not double checking my print job before leaving the house.) Imagine my surprise when I flipped my directions page back to reveal not a map, but this:

"Ummmm.... Honey, I'm gonna have to call you back."

So I turned my "So glam!" self around, went westish and then northward, only to find myself at a split. Dallas or Ft. Worth? Um, Dallas? SURE! Too late to change lanes anyway! So we headed toward Dallas. I then, somehow, found myself at that same intersection - again. Huh?!? Since the Dallas trip just threw me into a circle, I went toward Ft. Worth. Somehow with God's grace I made it to I-30.

When I saw Six Flags I called my dad, who drove 18 wheelers in DFW for more than 15 yrs. He's better than any Garvin. So he guided me through until I found Fielder. From Fielder I missed Divison and had to turn around... again... but I finally got on it. Then I realized I was heading the wrong direction... so I turned around aGAIn. Eventually I had a vague idea that I was most likely, maybe headed in the right direction. Then I saw the street I was looking for. Whew!

On a happier note, my kids were AWEOME the entire time! Courtney sang to Christmas music and asked me questions like, "Mama, did God wear His mud clothes when He made mud, so He wouldn't get it all over Him?" and Matthew slept. Overall we drove for TWO hours! (A far cry from the 32 minutes it was supposed to take.)

So I finally get to the bank, Matthew wakes up happy and we all head in. I fill out a deposit slip, just glad to be there, not knowing how on earth I'll find my way home. The lady looks up my account, makes a face and says, "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, but I can't deposit this for you." Apparently I have a special account that has to receive deposits a certain way. She proceeded to tell me where to mail the checks as I did everything within my power to keep from laughing hysterically. It was one of those "I'm losing my mind! I'm c-r-a-z-y! I can't beLIEVE it- are you SERiouS?!?" kind of laughs. So I thanked her, went to the car and laughed all of my stress away. I texted Keith and took the kids out to eat. I couldn't believe it. In fact, I had already been to the post office that day- only a mile from my house!

So how crazy was it? Well, here's a little map. The blue is how I should have gone. Since I can't really retrace my drive perfectly, I just circled all of the streets I drove on in red, threw in a few arrows for perspective and put a green star where I eventually ended up before heading to the most ghetto mall ever (complete with karaoke!) and then to McDonald's to refuel my kids, since none of the mall's food looked very appetizing. Here ya go:

So, lesson learned: It's my choice to stay joyful or to get angry & frustrated. Earlier today I was pretty stressed out about a completely different banking situation, but it all worked out fine. I suppose after that, this trip seemed like a breeze. It's all in how you look at it. I kept praying, got help when I needed it and stayed joyful. I realized today, once again, that my joy is a gift from God and no one can steal it... but I do have the choice of laying it aside, giving it away or taking it up. I've found it to be true in little frustrating times like this, as well as in problems that seemed so deep I thought I'd never get out alive. Don't get me wrong- I don't always choose to live in joy. In my life, "the straw that broke the camel's back" has often been the size of a toothpick. Somehow today went much better, and I'm so thankful that God gave me grace- especially for my children's sake. I forget sometimes how closely they watch how I respond to the situations in my life.

Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." It's my choice (and God's command) to be joyful. Hmm. Something to chew on and remember the next time I fall into one of those irritating little situations. We live in a society where "inconvenience" is a dirty word. I believe, however, that God sees it as something entirely different: a tool to mold our hearts and make us into the people He designed us to be. Jesus used inconveniences to His advantage all the time. Hungry people? Let's do a miracle and feed them all, showing God's power. Woman touches Him in a crowd, interrupting his schedule? Let's stop and speak to her, forgiving her sins & glorifying God. Can't get a good nap because of some fraidy-cat friends freaking out upstairs? Let's get up, calm the storm and teach them a lesson about faith. Now that's the kind of attitude I want to have! Heaven help me:)

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