"You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. 'For God loves a cheerful giver'."
So, to show love to the people in our community, we gathered toys from our house and donated them. This was a great exercise for Courtney, who is constantly concerned about orphans and the poor. Her heart for them convicts me often. She has decided wholeheartedly that she will adopt when she's a grown-up, and that she will take in any child who needs help. I think a lot of kids at this age become worried about other children, but so often it's inconvenient for us as adults to take time to teach our kids to help. It's so important, as I stated yesterday, that we get out of our comfort zones- or our children never will. (I'm preaching to myself, here!) Some of these activities are so simple and easy- take a bag of toys to the donation center, make Valentine's Day cards for family, etc.- but some are more in-your-face. More of that later. Here is the activity for today, and a pic of my princess with a bag of toys she is giving away:
Have a great day!!
I love this!!