Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Week- Days 5 & 6...

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day- are you ready? Just to re-cap, at our house we've been taking time each day to think about God's love, encourage one another and do an activity that expresses love. Check my archives for the last 4 days worth.

Day 5 didn't quite go as planned. I was up till 4am taking care of my son, who (I think) still has an ear infection, even after taking antibiotics last week. He's still pulling at his ears, clingy and not sleeping at night. So we were all exhausted. Courtney cried in her sleep every time he'd start crying. We went to church, came home, did some grocery shopping, had dinner and went to bed. I spoke with Courtney briefly about how we can show God love by worshipping Him, but I confess that it just didn't turn out the way I planned. No biggie- I'm learning that plans don't always turn out- and that's okay.

Day 6 was supposed to be "clean up at the park" day, but the weather turned nasty last night. Sleet, rain, cold cold cold temps- so we found something we could do at home instead: Pray. We discussed 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which says "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." Then we took time to pray for some of our family. I had to try not to laugh as Courtney prayed for my 9 yr old brother, "God, please help J to clean his room, 'cus if he doesn't, Papa said he'd get a trash bag out and start throwing his stuff away- so let J say, 'I'll do it! I'll do it!' and get it all cleaned up. Jesus' Name, Amen." (My dad was half joking, by the way, when he told her that the other day, but it definitely made an impression.)

Tomorrow morning we'll head to Chick-fil-A for breakfast (a long-awaited treat!). It's been a good week, and I'm so glad that I took time to be intentional this week. One thing I've learned through it is that Courtney likes verbal praise, but it is in no way her love language. She would rather have us hold her hand, read to her or help her with her chores. She's an acts of service girl... and a gifts girl, of course- what kid isn't?? As a mama, that's a good thing to know! What are your kiddos' love languages? Tomorrow could be a great day if you can figure that out and hone in on that language to show your kiddos (husband, too!) how much you love them!

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